Polyethylene foam technical features
Closed cell Polyethylene foam
Polyethylene is the most simple and common polymer in the world of plastics. Physical cross-linked polyethylene foam is a closed cell material with good resistance to compression, light-weight, elastic. It has a considerable chemical inertia and it can withstand prolonged exposure to several chemical substances, ozone and UV radiations. Excellent also as thermal insulator. We provide and convert various types of polyethylene, from sheets or rolls, in standard version or self-extinguishing, 100% polyethylene or PE-EVA blends. We also work with special materials such as:- Stratocell®, non cross-linked polyethylene with extraordinary stiffness and resistance
- Evazote® and Plastazote®, cross-linked polyethylene by an innovative process based on high pressure ozone, resulting in a material with unmatched internal structure regularity and purity.

Polyethylene foam fields of application
Our polyethylene foams offer, thanks to their wide range of material properties, are the ideal choice in construction, for vertical and horizontal partition walls or as thermal and acoustic insulatingmats and panels, in the automotive industry, in the production of sole pads or clothing pads, sports and camping items, by the health sector, lighting, life vests, boating, packaging and general gaskets. It is available in a wide range of colors.